Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm your stranger, jump!

I am in a position where currently I don't care what people say about my choices. I don't want to hear that they don't approve or that they don't think its a good decision. I am not at all saying that I don't appreciate the people in my life that really speak their minds (autumn, janine, brenda) but I want to figure this out on my own, without people filling my heart with doubts. I think things over ten times fast, so anything people say to me I've already thought about. I may sound a bit arrogant, and I am aware of that, but I've waited so long for this moment in my life and I just want to take it in, even if it hurts me in the future, I am not going to live the next years of my life in regret, wishing that I had taken a leap of faith, and trusted my heart. I am going to take that leap, and be happy.

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