Monday, February 8, 2010

I am convinced, All you need is love.


Unknown said...

are you coming back to your roots? yay!

& we have had several disagreements within our long friendship, so obviously it won't offend you,
but i think it's funny that i was just talking to you about how i have come to the realization that "love isn't enough" . haha.

i still love reading your blogs, so keep writing. <3

LoveKnowsNoColor said...

Happened upon your blog through some very nasty, racist, and hateful comments you made recently on YouTube. How could you possibly speak about "Love" when you go around with the same tongue spewing so much hate? It's sad to see that in 2012 our society is still replete with so much antagonism and negativity. I hope that maybe you were having a bad day, and that you really don't feel those things you said in your heart. But if not, my faith in humanity continues to dwindle away.